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UK – Jelena Hercberga her impact at work helped by attending ebbf event

In the run up to the #ebbfJustice ebbf annual event we interviewed Jelena Hercberga, a participant invited by a colleague to attend her first ebbf event and who will now be offering a learnshop at the next ebbf international event.

Jelena, what was your reaction after attending your first ebbf learning event?

Being part of the last ebbf international event impacted me personally and professionally; meeting inspiring people with different ways of pursuing my same goal of impacting this world in a positive way. I am fortunate to work with wonderful people at The Loop, with them we try every day to change companies’ mindsets; helping them break the bubble of their personal awareness and connect with what happens outside, making them aware about their role in the society and how they could be more engaged. As we like to say “We enable organisations to realise their purpose”.

During the conference I realized that there are lots of people from different cultures and backgrounds that believe in the same values and have a unifying vision: this is simply amazing and gives you a lot of courage and energy. I once read a concept that sounds more or less like “If you are alone, you are one warrior, you need to be an army to fight a battle”.

Why should someone participate in an ebbf conference?

ebbf has this ability to create a great environment where you can interact with people and enjoy each conversation, getting a new insight, discussing it and coming up with a new fresh mindset.

In one same event you can have different conversations on different topics of interest to you and new ones you had never thought, each time enjoying the interaction with different people from very different backgrounds and experiences: this is inspiring. It’s so much more than just reading an article or watching a TED talk. Through these interactions you can get more, exploring, deepening and getting information and new ideas in a different way.

And last, but not least, this is a good opportunity to build or increase a wonderful network, opening new contact that could be very useful both in your personal and professional life.

Extract of interview by Giuseppina Cuccurullo

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