14th November _ the hard truth about soft skills, meet the author: Pascal Jossihttps://buytickets.at/ebbfethicalbusinessbuildingthefuture/1415915 20 stories, 20 ways of explaining HOW ethical business can build the...
2nd October - Spirituality in business, learning with a billionaire inspired by his Faithhttps://buytickets.at/ebbfethicalbusinessbuildingthefuture/1384882 20 stories, 20 ways of explaining HOW ethical business can build the...
Anissa Moeni: what does it take to build education technologies that serve everyone involved?What a pleasure to hear the personal story of #ebbfmember Dr. Anissa Moeini CEO of Goldstar Education Insights into how VC in the ...
17th September - Developing a vision for global collaborationThe context is the United Nations Summit for the Future. The statement is the co-created PACT FOR THE FUTURE https://www.un.org/en/summit...
14th September - A vision for a sustainable future, a conversation with youthebbf has set a clear objetive of building the capacity of youth to be co-protagonists of the future we want to build. The ebbf4youth...
4th September - meet the author ... with Beppe Robiati20 stories, 20 ways of explaining HOW can ethical business build the future? We are very excited about the launch of ebbf's first book,...
14 to 28 September - International Environment Forum's annual conferenceebbf has partnered for many years as co-sponsor of ebbf's IEF annual conference, an excellent opportunity to be living ebbf's own core...