ebbf accompanies
ethical people
building the future
ebbf's mission statement:
"ebbf is a Baha’i-inspired global learning community
that accompanies mindful individuals and groups
through daily work and discourse
to transform business and the economy
thereby contributing to a prosperous, just and sustainable civilisation."
ebbf first began in 1990, then registered in Paris as an official non-profit association, in its 30 years of activity it has grown into a global learning community of mindful people with a common passion, to accompany individuals like yourself: people exploring how to contribute to a more prosperous, just and sustainable civilization, through our daily work and discourse.
ebbf accompanies like minded individuals in over 50 countries, by connecting you with new ideas, tools and individuals spread around the world who are exploring and learning through action, different ways to create more meaningful and purposeful workplaces. See here videos and examples of recent actions taken every day by ebbf members around the world.
ebbf's governance
Every year, all eligible members can vote and be voted onto ebbf's governing board, seven individuals who guide the strategy of the organization and makes sure it keeps adhering to its values and principles. It is assisted by a nominated ebbf advisory council.
ebbf's operational teams, create the tools and opportunities for you to be inspired, energised and given the time to rethink your role, that of your organization and of new, better, economic systems.
ebbf offers you the opportunity to either use or contribute on ebbf's members platform and be an active learner on any of the over 300 events that are created for you every year, attend or organize one of them.
Want to know more?
Get in touch and we will be happy to answer any of your questions about ebbf, to hear of how you wish ebbf to accompany you and then connecting you with the ebbf members or services most suitable to your current idea, challenge or question. ​You can also just dive in and become a part of ebbf here and / or enjoy being part of one of ebbf’s next events.
Get in touch and we will be happy to answer any of your questions about ebbf, to hear of how you wish ebbf to accompany you and then connecting you with the ebbf members or services most suitable to your current idea, challenge or question. ​You can also just dive in and become a part of ebbf here and / or enjoy being part of one of ebbf’s next events.