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Solange Hai investigating nonprofit evolution to new scenarios

SPAIN –  Solange is a PhD candidate working at ESADE’s Institute for Social Innovation that is hosting its 7th Annual Conference on April 1st in Barcelona, Spain. This year’s focus is the talent of intrapreneurs and social entrepreneurs as drivers of innovation and social impact – more information here.

As a result of changes in priorities in donor funding in the last few years, nonprofit organizations have had to adapt to new situations which cause a dramatic change on the way they define themselves and the work that they do. Solange, currently on her first year of her PhD in management sciences, is looking at how nonprofit organizations process this change. “From my work in Latin America at social and economic development organizations, I’ve seen a decrease in donor funding for projects and experienced different strategies for organizational survival; one common approach that organizations take is adding earned income ventures that complement the work already carried out.” This strategy redefines the organization and places it in a new field where they encounter possible changes to their mission, allies, competitors, and funding sources.

ESADE is one of the top global centers of management education and is the leading Spanish School in MBA and Executive Education

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