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14th November _ the hard truth about soft skills, meet the author: Pascal Jossi

20 stories, 20 ways of explaining HOW ethical business can build the future.

We are very excited about the launch of ebbf's book, dedicated to leaders who want to learn HOW you and your organization can contribute to a more generous, just and sustainable organization with successful new models adapted to the new era we are living.

We are even happier to give you the opportunity to interact and learn with the authors of this book, this time with #ebbfmember Pascal Jossi.

The learning dialogue you can start with Pascal will focus on the title of his chapter in the ebbf book and his own personal experience embedding soft skills in his business and in the organizations he influences: 

The Hard Truth About Soft Skills

Interesting quote he chose to introduce his chapter in the book:"The degree to which I can create relationships, which facilitate the growth of others as separate persons, is a measure of the growth I have achieved in myself.” by Carl Rogers

You can interact with Pascal to find out more in this learning event

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