SAN FRANCISCO – Roxann is a Design Strategist at SecondMuse and has been participating in the twitter event #NPRBlacksinTech. This social media experiment is aimed at raising awareness of the situation of Afro-Americans in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering & math) and increasing participation of Afro-American students in these disciplines.
Because of her very active participation and contributions in this Twitter event, National Public Radio asked to interview her about civic tech, a field in which SecondMuse has engaged with several projects. Civic tech is a movement of active engagement between people, civil society and government who collaborate to solve complex social and environmental problems. As described by Roxann: “New levels of public, private and people partnership that have been accelerated through the ease of connection that new technology is allowing, it is really great to see a redefinition of civic engagement using our talents to improve our communities”.
Click here to listen to ebbf member Roxann Stafford on NPR.
Follow the conversation that will be running until the 20th of December on Twitter