The Justice conference, a Baha’i inspired forum for the exploration of (international) law, global governance, justice and ethics, joyously celebrated 20 years of existence with a spiritually empowering gathering where over 100 participants reflected on the future of justice. The conference themed Advancing Justice: Spiritual foundations & Practical Application covered an array of topics and attracted many professionals beyond lawyers.
The plenary sessions counted with speakers as Mr. Kiser Barnes who explored the idea that striving to acquire spiritual qualities and service to humanity are two foundations to establish justice in the world; Mrs. Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing who explained the potentialities and opportunities in building a world Federation; and Professor Payam Akhavan who offered a deep personal reflection of the need to embody and bring into reality words such as oneness, empathy and justice in a world of extremes.
The conference also had a great number and variety of participatory workshops as the inequity of access to complementary medicines in the western world; a psychological perspective the Laws of the Kitab-i-Aqdas; identifying impact in advancing justice; stories from Yemen & the Gulf and struggle for freedom, among many others.
ebbf contributed to the conference in different ways as ebbf member Maja Groff was one of the main organisers; ebbf board members Wendi Momen presented the Baha’i perspective on Inter-Religious Dialogue and Peaceful Coexistence and Arthur Dahl talked about Justice and Global Policy Change for Environmental Stewardship; members Sjoerd Luteyn and Oscar Rosa offered one of the workshops on The Workplace of the Future; and diverse other ebbf members attended the conference contributing and partaking of the spiritual and energising atmosphere that characterised the event.
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Attendees of the conference