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How can I influence through my work, what is a meaningful career, how can I create a meaningful care

LONDON – Alex will be offering in the upcoming ebbf learning event in London a workshop that he created and uses in his company PWC on ‘discovering, connecting and putting into action your genius’  This workshop will touch upon issues that were also explored on an ebbf meaningful hangout on the topic of  ‘How can I develop a meaningful career after University?’ that counted with the additional participation of Margherita Pagani as co-facilitator of the conversation.

On the hangout Alex shared how he had to create his dream job as it didn’t exist. While he was studying at university he was part of AIESEC, a global organisation focusing on leadership development and exchange programs for students and recent graduates, and through it he developed competencies and skills that were fundamental to finding out who he was and what he wanted to do. He immediately started to help other people to find their dream jobs, and even created a “start your dream job” workshop. He shared that from his experience people usually don’t know what their passions, skills and field of usefulness are; they are not conscious of what is happening in the world of work, not knowing how companies nor governments work; and shared how people are not aware of their potential and of their network.

The only way to fully discover and enjoy this workshop and its opportunities for influence and for your meaningful career is to participate in it! Register now for the conference.

One of the themes of the upcoming ebbf conference in May. Credit to Margherita Pagani for the drawing

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