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Guam – Philippe Gerling building a “work community”

Philippe Gerling featured an article in the January 2015 issue of the Nissan Motor Corporation in Guam focusing on the concept of the company as a “work community”. To better explain this idea he mentioned a TEDx Innsbruck talk by ebbf member, Oscar Mendez Rosa, titled “Transforming companies into communities“. The theme of the TEDx Innsbruck event, organized by another ebbf member Kathrin Austermayer, was Beyond a culture of contest: The global system has become a tightly knit web in which a change in any part of the web has significant impacts on the others: wealth, security and welfare of almost all nations are interrelated.  Oscar, who believes in the responsibility of a business to contribute to the development and well-being of society as a whole, had his presentation embrace the idea of transforming companies into communities to open up new capacities for cooperation and reciprocity in business. A dynamic framework, which allows creativity to flow and people to develop on all levels of their being while contributing to an ever-advancing civilization, is created by engaging each individual to contribute and elevate the meaning of their work and understanding and placing the idea of service to others at the center.

Oscar Rosa

Oscar Rosa

Kathrin Austermayer

Kathrin Austermayer

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