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Friday 8th July - Meet The ebbf Author: Roy Steiner senior VP Rockefeller Foundation

20 stories, 20 ways of explaining HOW can ethical business build the future?

We are very excited about the launch of ebbf's first book,

we are even happier to give you the opportunity to interact and learn with the authors of this book, starting with Roy Steiner.

In case you missed it, here is the summary of the dialogue with Roy, Senior Vice President, The Rockefeller Foundation, which focused on the title of his chapter in the ebbf book.


How to Create a Better Kind of Organization

READ HERE A SUMMARY OF HIS IDEAS and TO SEE THE VIDEO: Humanity is At Risk, but We Can Triumph! 

Why does Roy Steiner think that "the future is bright" and what can we learn about his approach to future visioning?

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