THE NETHERLANDS – Laura has been working hard for the past few months at managing the communications regarding the upcoming ebbf London learning event. She is driven to participate by her belief that “what we do makes a difference. We need to understand the ability that each individual has to positively influence the world around us and consciously decide what kind of change we want to be part of” and reckons that the event will be a space “to start taking action and make it happen.
“Although Italian, she is currently a host at Impact HUB Amsterdam, a co-working space for social entrepreneurs wanting to make a difference and having a positive impact. She is looking forward for meaningful conversations with the fellow participants of the event and specially wishing to hear about their stories and personal experiences on how to create an effective change inside organisations to gain insights that can help her fulfil her passions on creating spaces for human interactions, organizing events and creating engaging communication campaigns for meaningful projects.
Registration are still open!