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#ebbf25 – What have we learnt about co-creating prosperity?

Carrie Freeman, partner at SecondMuse, offered the opening keynote. SecondMuse is a global small consultancy aiming to help companies to solve big challenges. The first step is to understsnd the systemic causes of issues facing humanity in order to identify opportunities where new or changed actions will have the biggest impact. Then, the work is to design and coordinate effortd to implement these changes.  SecondMuse tackles global issues using a combination of human-centered design, system thinking and collaboration. The solution frequently includes collective action and open innovation. The results of thus approach were shared understanding, collaborative efforts, community engagement and solutions from unexpected sources. SecondMuse founding principles are achieving for coherence between material and spiritual, acknowledging the organic unity and interdipendence of humanity, recognising the reciprical relationship between unity and justice, cultuvating capacity for altruistic service. Values attract and varry in interpretation and it is important to explicit, implicit and subtle. Impact goes beyonf broad bruch social and ienvironmental and a framework and experitise is needed for measurement. Business practices should be assesed based on principles and experimentation is best guided by learning agenda.

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