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#ebbf25 – Collaborative leadership: harnessing the value of diversity

Nousha Etemad, partner at Deloitte Canada, analyzed how companies are facing the disruptive transformation in economy brought by technology. How do we prepare? Three elements are needed: a culture that  encourages innovative behaviour, agility and enabling change through the crowd. A principle based approach is needed. It is worth to highlight two principles, unity and collaboration. Unity is also dealing with diversity. Consultation allows to benefit from different perspectives and bring them all together. We have industrial crowdsourcing examples like Xprize, Kaggle and IdeaConnection. A new leadedship mindset is emerging:  inspire with vision, lead change, create networks, support & empower, trust, learn & grow. In the past the principle were: be directive, follow a strict plan, build hierarchy, command & control, fear failure.

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