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ebbf’s #rethinksuccess first virtual conference ends with new sights

What was described by participants as “unbelievABLE and inspiring”, “Full of hope”, “Totally Awesome”, “Thrilling”, “Uplifting”, “Amazing conference,  amazing people, amazing ideas” , ebbf’s 1st virtual annual conference in its 30 years history helped us #rethinksuccess and set our sights and actions to new levels of focus and impact.

The concept of universal participation, with each of us contributing to building this new, better, form of success at the personal, organizational and societal level.

We have a special 50 Euro ticket if you wish to access all the recordings and powerpoints of all presentations and be part of the interactive event platform we have filled with content and most importantly amazing individuals.

Attending ebbf online interactive event #6

  1. Name

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  1. Email where we should send (only) the link to this online event?

  1. Your country of residence

  1. What would you like to ask the speaker about the topic? (optional)

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