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ebbf announces its 2017 annual report – a year of marked growth in impact and reach not matche

ebbf publishes its 2017 annual report.

This past year has been a wonderful year seeing a growth in terms of impact, reach and geographical expansion. New cities have seen their first ebbf local events, the number of online events has grown and so has the impact of ebbf members and ebbf activities on a wider group of individuals and organizations,

All of the above has only been possible thanks to the incredible dedication and support of a growing number of individuals, who have donated their skills to further ebbf’s vision. The members of ebbf’s operational teams.

This has however been a challenging year in terms of financial sustainability with a call to action giving the opportunity to sustain ebbf’s role accompanying individuals keen to explore how their organizations and new economic systems can contribute to a more prosperous, just and sustainable civilization.


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