20 stories, 20 ways of explaining HOW can ethical business build the future?
We are very excited about the launch of ebbf's first book, announced in Lisbon at ebbf's annual conference.We are even happier to give you the opportunity to interact and learn with the authors of this book, this time with one of the original ebbf co-founders Beppe Robiati.
The learning dialogue with Beppe focused on the title of his chapter in the ebbf book:The roots of acceptance: Uncovering Diversity
WHATCH HERE BEPPE's IDEAS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY9AsUhY5W4
Find out More about Beppe, and his ideas in this video interview and article including a VERY special image of the first ebbf founding meeting, back in 1990 in Chamonix:
