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18th April - Interfaith dialogue is critical to business success, even in the Fortune 100.

Different viewpoints should be cherished while remaining diverse.

The new frontier in inclusion and diversity is what is inside a person, this includes religion and faith for many. Approximately 90% of the global population identifies with a religion or belief, including Atheism or Agnosticism. We are proud to have Intel Corporation's representatives to share their journey behind receiving the UN Global Business and Interfaith Peace Award and #1 in the Fortune 100 REDI Index.

Intel’s Cross Faith and Beliefs ERG Alliance formed in November 2019 now includes: Atheist/Agnostic, Baha'i, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh. This Alliance spearheads various belief-based activities including interfaith devotionals, a panel discussion, an MLK Day commemoration, and the National Day of Prayer program at Intel. This helps Intel with recruiting, retention, and in creating high performing teams.

May Mowzoon (legal) and Craig Carter (product management) will share their own experiences developing this collaborative initiative and then open an interaction to explore how our faith or belief provides value to the enterprise.

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