ebbf governance
ebbf governance
ebbf is an association with an international membership.
It is governed by a set of general principles based on the Bahá’í teachings and its legal statutes (in French | in English), registered under the 1901 Law of Associations in France.
The Statutes set out a simple system of governance, which provides stability and sustainability for the organisation but also enables it to evolve, develop and grow to take account of changing circumstances and opportunities.
You can read more about the history of ebbf, since it foundation over 30 years ago to date scrolling down to the "History of ebbf" publication.
ebbf governing board and advisory council
​The Governing Board of ebbf is democratically elected every year from the whole membership at an Annual General Meeting by secret ballot, without nomination, candidature or campaigning. All members up to date with their dues are eligible to vote and to be voted for. Members record on their ballots, in person or electronically, the names of those they wish to see elected and those with the greatest number are elected. The Governing Board elects its officers by majority vote using the same process.
The Statutes provide for the Governing Board to have a minimum of five elected members, presently seven members. Additional non-voting members may be co-opted by the board.
The Governing Board also nominates an advisory council and renews their roles on an annual basis.
The Governing Board has ultimate responsibility for everything concerning the activities of ebbf and its finances on behalf of ebbf members. It makes its decisions through a process of consultation based on the Bahá’í teachings, in a constant state of learning.
The role of the governing board and advisory council
The role of the Governing Board is:
– to administer the affairs of ebbf faithfully, responsibly and fairly
– to discharge its financial responsibilities faithfully and for the benefit of ebbf, as well for as the society at large, to safeguard its funds, endowments and other properties that are entrusted to its care
– to initiate, direct and coordinate the affairs and activities of ebbf, some aspects of which it may decide to delegate to agencies of ebbf that are created for this purpose
– to look after and promote the good of ebbf as a whole and of ebbf members
The Governing Board does this by:
– striving to win the confidence and affection of those whom it is privileged to serve
– constantly collecting the views and thoughts of ebbf members so it can take them into account in its consultative decisionmaking
– striving to free itself from any suggestion of aloofness, secrecy, dictatorial assertiveness, partiality, self-centredness and prejudice
– working collaboratively with ebbf members and others who support the work and purposes of ebbf
– inviting discussion, welcoming advice, listening to and acting on issues raised and requests for guidance, and fostering a sense of interdependence and copartnership, of understanding and mutual confidence within itself and with all ebbf members
In its role of guiding ebbf as a learning organisation, the ebbf Governing Board strives to:
– establish and promote a continuing pattern of action, reflection, consultation and study
– reexamine its visions and strategies and reshape them as required
– develop its own capacity to observe activity occurring across ebbf
– identify and analyse patterns of activity that emerge and ensure their coherence
– disseminate the knowledge thus generated
– develop and strengthen structures to do this
– lend impetus to the process of learning at all levels within the organisation.
ebbf members serve on a wide range of agencies and teams that enable ebbf to fulfil its purpose and its members to build their capacity.
Want to know more?
Get in touch and we will be happy to answer any of your questions about ebbf, to hear of how you wish ebbf to accompany you and then connecting you with the ebbf members or services most suitable to your current idea, challenge or question.
You can also just dive in and enjoy being part of one of ebbf’s next events: list of events.
Contact us for any further question you may have
​daniel truran
ebbf’s director general