Welcome !
You are now officially part of the global ebbf community.
Your contribution is something we dearly appreciate as it shows how you value this organization and its reason for existing.

Finding the best ways to accompany you and strengthening current services that serve this learning community spread in over 50 countries is a priority.
Thanks to your contribution we can continue to accompany people like yourself and to grow our impact.

Now we would love to hear how this global community can be most useful to you :
e-mail me so that we can arrange a conversation where I and director general Daniel Truran can answer questions you might have about ebbf, suggestions you wish to offer or an issue you'd like the ebbf community to help you with.
Often the best way to gain new learning is to get into action :

- take part in local or online or international ebbf event (see EVENTS)

- view stories of other ebbf members here , or on ebbf's youtube channel

- read some recent ebbf articles on ebbf's MEDIUM channel

- meet other ebbf members on the ebbf members platform App

I am at your disposal and look forward to accompanying you

Martina Crepaz
ebbf members-services team
P.S. : if you are curious about the impact that the community of ebbf members has had on me, you can get a peek at what I witnesses in this mini video clip. at minute 5:26 :