SWITZERLAND – Luigi was recently interviewed for DukascopyTv, Swiss Financial Television, where he explained the greatest challenges for the marketing industry were the constant change in platforms promoted by Google, Facebook and others that demand a permanent learning mode; and finding talents that can understand these changes and translate them into marketing strategies. He foresees that content marketing (focused not on selling, but on simply communicating content to customers), mobile devices and personalised experiences are going to be the highlights of the new year.
He is working as Global Business Director at Nomads Agency that have ‘Value’ as their keyword. They believe marketing and business can be done with a greater dose of true value for all stakeholders involved, including our planet and the 7 billion people on it: “Our very first act was the creation and facilitation of the very first workshop bridging together young entrepreneurs, established companies and politicians in the Netherlands to fuel the creation of a better environment for new enterprises to foster and grow.”
Luigi is also a member of the WEF Global Shapers Community who host regular Meet The Leaders sessions opened to people who “want to get inspired by the great leaders crossing the road of Geneva”.
You can watch his full interview here.
Ideas that travel – Developing marketing models that help companies, people and organisations to transform, adding more value from the interactions and transactions.