CANADA – During her first year at The University of British Columbia (UBC), Amelia is involved in one of the most valuable forms of work: teaching. She is serving as a teacher for Baha’i children class impelled by her understanding of the importance of building moral and spiritual character in children from a young age. She was trained through the sequence of courses offered by the Ruhi Institute that have helped her gain appreciation for the implications of spiritual education of children and in developing capacities to contribute to the development of spiritual qualities and beliefs and of patterns of conduct of children that constitute the essential attributes of an individual dedicated to the service of Humanity. In each class children look at a different aspects of daily habits of conduct. After a year of classes they are developing a new awareness, understanding that conduct is the manifestations of our inner qualities.
Amelia is one of the most recent ebbf members joining the organisation, looking to find other people who are trying to align their actions with those of a meaningful life and being able to engage in conversations with them to find ways to live a life of service to others.
Amelia Mohtadi