Laurent opened the French bakery, L’ Opéra, 5 years ago accompanied by his family and the growth of the business has attracted the attention of the reputed daily French business newspaper, Les Échos, which recently published an article on the enterprise.
The two page article mentions how the start-up had a few obstacles before this growth as, early on, it faced extremely expensive rent, inconvenient heat (which would spoil the process of baking that requires cold), insecure electricity distribution (which made them invest in 2 emergency generators), poor water quality, bureaucratic madness, and an absence of French chef’s willing to live in India. But the bakery surmounted it all with a board of directors that include a director of McKinsey, a consultant specializing in start- up, an expert on high-tech export, a Geneva specialist in family business and now, also, a CEO with ten years of experience at Procter & Gamble. The article also mentions the family’s relationship with the Baha’i faith, explaining “This religion, which appeared in Iran in the nineteenth century, has 7 million followers scattered around the world. They cultivate excellence, whether in personal or professional life.”
Laurent Samandari (director) and Pierre Nicollier (CEO)