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How to make the most of … an event? #ebbfmember Silvia Ferlito on her learning process after a

Silvia Ferlito has now attended the last three

ebbf international events and was given the opportunity to present in the last plenary what happened to her when she left the boost of an ebbf event and returned to her office on Monday. She decided to share how she makes the most of the ideas and inspiration captured to create a positive, and not a depressing, transition back into our working week.

How to…ebbf

“Have you ever asked yourself on how to implement all those inspiring ideas you have heard at the ebbf conference in your day to day work? I have no universal answer. There is many ways. But let me try to run through a process that helped me to make the first step.

In the beginning there is the WHY (Purpose) you attend the conference: Do you want to be inspired and receive impulses in general for yourself personally or professionally or do you have a concrete topic you are currently working on.

Following the question you will be able to answer is the WHAT you want to achieve (CONTENT). What are the areas of change in your personal or professional life? What is it about your current project you see needs to be done differently? Who are the people involved? What are the timelines?

The next step is to check HOW you can get support for your journey (ENABLERS) To change, improve and create it is necessary that you tap into your internal as well as external resources. Internal resources can

be experience you may have collected, similar situations you may have had that need to be brought up to your attention again, things you observe. External resources might be colleagues, friends or ebbf members you can ask for guidance and accompaniment.

The basis for all of this is WHICH attitudes we do need to make this first step (MINDSET) Now I ask you to go back and reflect what is different at ebbf conferences versus your day to day environment. Do you have a safe place to exchange ideas? Do you practice meaningful conversations?  Is the environment trust based? Is failure allowed and encouraged? Is your environment supporting a learning mindset (fail, fall, stand up, try again)? What is your bias? Do you have a bias? Do you allocate time to do things differently and do you accompany others?

Write down your first steps e.g. implement meaningful conversation with team, implement learnshops, have meetings where ideas are explored together to name a few.

Now, it can be that even with your best intent you will not see any change. I would challenge that because we might oversee that the change happened already within ourselves. It is a question of time, patience, persistence somewhat resilience to take everyone on board and it is to remark that this is a long term journey.



Change happens within us where the spark becomes a fire. This spark can jump to other people that are attracted and there you have a small group of likeminded people. The domino effect continues and then you may be the one to have started a movement.”

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