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#ebfflisbon – Marc Rivers: creating an empowering environment in a global corporation

Marc Rivers, CFO of Roche’ s Pharma Global Division in Switzerland, showed a video to introduce the concept of concentric connectedness. Who we are? As individuals, we are spiritual beings, like a child in the womb. Then we have groups and organizations, as biome. The enviroment influences the organization. The Moving to opportunity experiment, realized in order to demostrate that.  Community does matter: each additional year in a better area improved the income of the test sample people. How can we improve organizations? The thought of changing the organization can feel overwhelming. Organitations are composed of individuals: change the individuals and the organization will also change, so you have to inventory your relationship and work on them day by day.

We are part of a greater whole. Our purpose is to learn, grow and fulfill our potential. Organizations are excellent class / biomes / bodies / communities in which we can learn. Organization are excellent ways to improve society. Individuals help organizations, organizations help individuals: a true symbiotic love story.

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