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#ebbfgovernance – Governance as a path to truth

Malika Parent offered a reflection  on understanding the root of wrong behaviour starting from her own experience.

Before addressing the topic of the keyinote she recalled the Hermann Ebbinghaus curve pointing out that after 24 hours you will have lose  80% of what you heard and after 30 hours you will have lost the 90%.

From the   humanitarian exposure she moved on to the fight against corruption. Moving to the management side of the humanitarian sector meant for her moving to another planet. The 30% of aid is diverted to corruption. We have many corruption schemes: gift, nepotism, insurance fraud, etc… And  have our own truth, each one of us don’t perceive the same thing at the same time.

There are also two main controversies to take into account: 1. Goodwill can be a myth and a threat to good governance and  2. Wrong behaviour: me vs. others.

Who knows what would do in difficult circustamces?

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