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The core principles of the ebbf4youth mentoring program.
Mentoring Principles

Taking ownership


What is
your calling?


defines you?


motivates you?

What rights

do you have?

Which rewards

do you expect?

What are your


What is

your purpose in life?

Why are you

doing what you do?


Everyone has a share in this enterprise; the contribution of each serves to enrich the whole. The most dynamic clusters are those in which, irrespective of the resources the community possesses or the number of activities being undertaken, the friends appreciate that their task is to identify what is required for progress to occur – the nascent capacity that must be nurtured, the new skill that must be acquired, the initiators of a fledgling effort who must be accompanied, the space for reflection that must be cultivated, the collective endeavour that must be coordinated – and then find creative ways in which the necessary time and resources can be made available to achieve it.


- The Universal House of Justice, to the Baha’is of the World, April, 2014.


I want to participate
Taking Ownership

Building capacity


Where are

you now?

Are there obstacles

to overcome?

Are you satisfied

where you are?

Are you facilitating

your growth?

Are you feeling



holds you back?

Where do you see

yourself going?

How do you

overcome obstacles?


Efforts to build capacity fall short if arrangements are not swiftly made to accompany individuals into the arena of service. An adequate level of support extends far beyond encouraging words. When preparing to take on an unfamiliar task, working alongside a person with some experience increases consciousness of what is possible. An assurance of practical help can give a tentative venturer the courage to initiate an activity for the first time. Souls then advance their understanding together, humbly sharing the insights each possesses at a given moment and eagerly seeking to learn from fellow wayfarers on the path of service. Hesitation recedes and capacity develops to the point where an individual can carry out activities independently and, in turn, accompany others on the same path.


- Universal House of Justice, Letter to the Continental Board of Counsellors, 29 Dec. 2015


I want to grow
Building Capacity

Serving Humanity


How do you assess

what is needed?

Do you need


Do you want to 

make a difference?

How do you impact

those around you?

Are you aspiring

for more?

What are 

the difficulties?

Are you actively

engaged in change?

How does

success look like?


Love and serve mankind just for the sake of God and not for anything else. The foundation of your love toward humanity must be spiritual faith and Divine assurance. 


- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Lights of Guidance, p. 213


O my God! I ask Thee, by Thy most glorious Name, to aid me in that which will cause the affairs of Thy servants to prosper, and Thy cities to flourish. Thou, indeed, hast power over all things.


- Bahá’u’lláh - Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 61


I want to serve
Serving Humanity

Scaling up


What have you


What resources

do you need?

What insights

do you have gained?

How does the

mentorship help?

Have you mapped

new goals?

How to make a

lasting impact?

Have you envisioned

the future?

Has your vision



The days pass swiftly as the twinkle of a star. Make your mark now, at this crucial turning point of a juncture, the like of which shall never return. Make that mark in deeds that will ensure for you celestial blessings-guarantee for you, for the entire race, a future beyond any earthly reckoning.

​- The Universal House of Justice, Ridván 156, 1999, p. 4


I want to aspire
Scaling Up
Jubel der Menge
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