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#ebbfLondon keynoter on Why should we influence our work and world?

SWITZERLAND – Marc is a Swiss-American living in Basel, Head of Finance of the Pharmaceuticals Division at Roche. He will keynote at the upcoming ebbf London event conveying his experience of sharing and living his personal values, in his C-position in a global corporation, the challenges, the lessons and the suprising confirmations of his personal path of exploration and positive influence.

He considers that the important part in influecing our work and world is to “build trustful relationships with those around us, take a genuine interest in others, hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, be a role model, adopt a servant leadership approach.” He hopes to exchange ideas with all event participants about how to put timeless virtues into practice in the workplace and how to help colleagues in business find true meaning and purpose.

Registration are still open!

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