Birgit Peeter, director of Aquinicum, contributed to the ebbf event in Geneva with a learnshop titled “Jobsharing: addressing the talent brain drain by offering more than a double advantage!” aimed at informing participants about jobsharing and getting some feedback from them. “A good learnshop is a combination of informing as well as learning yourself and I got all of this“.
“The conversation is actually continuing with one of the participants and that is very rewarding to me. More people should know about jobsharing and ebbf can help to spread the message. In the near future I plan to come to the Barcelona conference as I had a fantastic time last year and would love to experience that again. I have already invited some people to a conference and what I put forward is that I haven’t experienced nothing similar than an ebbf conference.”
For Birgit the peculiarity of ebbf events is the presence of diversity, represented by people from different countries and background, the topics and the way ebbf addresses them. She likes the format featuring keynotes followed by group discussions and the learnshops.
About the experience she concludes “I am not done with ebbf and its members and looking forward for more positive exchange on themes that matter.”