Cristobal Gracia, connector at OuiShare, offered some insights about how collaborative economy will create meaningful and purposeful organizations. The collaborative economy practices and business models based on trust systems and communities are impacting every aspect of our life.
Some initiatives like airbnb, etsy, bla bla car and wallapop are becoming very popular. In some countries they are gaining important partneships, like airbnb for the Olimpic games in Rio, but in other countries are considered illegal. Etsy is a platform for artisans to sell their craft; Wallapop is an app for the second hand market for private. The collaboratuve economy is unlocking ideal sets. First, there’s the difference between plaform business and linear business; second, it’s a matter of building trust betwen strangers: Internet is the tool. The way we interract with people is based in trust. Third and last, but not least, the colaborative economy is empowering citizens: from ownership to access.
How companies are adopting collaborative economy models? Some companies are not interested, some else are fighting, some others are sponsoring and some others are investing. Will the collaborative economy disrupt our companies industry?
The sharing economy is getting very big and very fast, as a study by PwC revealed.
What about the impact? It will disrupt the current business model?