ebbf publishes its 2018 annual report.
This past year has seen ebbf’s best year in terms of impact, reach and regular activities. Growth to new cities and the increased systematic offering of local events in key locations has been part of this success. The SDG Activity report compiled by Jean-Pierre Méan has shown the spread of ebbf-created events around the world,
All of the above has only been possible thanks to the incredible dedication and support of a growing number of individuals, who have donated their skills to further ebbf’s vision. The members of ebbf’s operational teams. (see image on the left ) THANK YOU !
Just as importantly ebbf has addressed the challenge of obtaining a sustainable financial balance this past year and has started to plan a new membership offering, both at the personal and the new company membership that will be officially launched in 2019.
This has been a most encouraging year in which the yearning of people who do wish ethical business build the future, has attracted them to ebbf action-based reflection opportunities that have lead to unprecedented levels of action. Individuals have shown how keen they are to explore how their organizations and new economic systems can contribute to a more prosperous, just and sustainable civilization.