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Arash Aazami innovating in sustainable energy and finance BAS Nederland accepts Bitcoin as a form of

THE NETHERLANDS – Arash is the CEO and founder of BAS Energy, one of the first energy companies in the world to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. Bitcoin is a new kind of currency. It’s the first decentralized electronic currency not controlled by a single organization or government. It’s an open source project, and it is used by more than 100,000 people.

After recently introducing an innovative franchise system to promote his revolutionary consume-less earn-more financial solution, his company has decided to embrace this new form of payment. “Just like BAS, the aim of Bitcoin is to increase independence, ownership, and to empower people to create value themselves. All of these elements appeal to a global audience that breaks free from declining old-world systems, and looks for solutions that serve not only themselves, but their whole environment.” See BAS press release.

The company aims to benefit all stakeholders by  helping energy consumers, SME’s, industries and governments to gain ownership of their energy consumption, thus shifting from energy cost to energy earnings and profit.

Arash Aazami

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system and digital currency introduced as open source software in 2009.

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